Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hot Shit Of The Week - Wake Me Up When September Ends 2009 Edition

So I'm sitting at home, trying to save a bit of money when it occurs to me there are probably a lot of people out there doing the same thing. Being the considerate person I am, it seemed only logical to share the best things I found this week before going off and playing Champions Online.

First up: Droplitz on PSN (for PS3) temporary price cut to $4.99

For the price of two slices of pizza, you could be enjoying a NON-FATTENING game. Droplitz is YATLG (Yet Another Tetris Like Game) where you spin tubes to conserve water. You have to connect downward facing water sources at the top of the screen with upward facing receptacles. As time passes your water supply depletes, as you progress the depletion happens faster. When connections are made, more water is earned. Extra points and additional water are rewarded for making multiple connections.

The game debuted on the Play Station 3 this summer, and while it may be worth the regular price of $9.99 it is most definitely a bargain while this deal lasts. The only complaint I have with this title is the disappointing lack of any multi-player. It does lack a sense of purpose, but then again it is YATLG. Kind of goes with the territory.

Next Up: 8 Bit PWNY Club

This is shaping up to be a rather amusing nugget from the fertile grounds of Weebl's Stuff. There are two episodes now, and assuming Hot Shit Of The Week takes off you'll see more posts of this show in the future. Pixelated characters are all the rage right now, and this show is hosted by 3: Daze, Spader, and Cookie. The first episode explores Toilets in Gaming History, the Top 5 to be exact. Sadly, as with everything these days when they say "Gaming" they mean only Video Games. That oversight aside it is a very amusing show and I look forward to future episodes.

Moving Along: The Guild

Is heating up in its 3rd season. While I am a little disappointed that Microsoft appears to be a sponsor, the show is none-the-less amusing and has evolved quite nicely from the rockier first season to a very well done second season. The episodes are short, in the time it takes to watch a whole commercial laden TV comedy show, you could be watching a whole season of The Guild.

Codex, AKA Cid, is a socially-challenged MMO player with strong ties to an equally challenged Guild of fellow players, Knights of The Good. Drama runs rife in this band of geeks. It's quirky, amusing, and an odd mixture of professionally produced entertainment with a non-traditional format.

And Before I Forget: Old School Hot Shit

Each week, I'll also be sure to include something Old School. This week it's MANNERS. Now, we live in an incresingly multi-cultural world. With that in mind it is extremely important to not jump to conclusions with interacting with other people.

I am not aware of any cultures where it is considered appropriate to DIG IN YOUR PANTS while someone is trying to have a conversation with you, most specifically in the professional setting. I think that it is great for people to be themselves, but there has got to be some line drawn somewhere. Please take a moment to reflect on your interactions with other people. We all have room to grow.

It is also important to overlook things. We all make mistakes, and it can be hard to see our own shortcomings. If you want the people around you to have better manners the best you can do is set a good example. That and leave fun passive aggressive notes.

Finally: My Crooked Smile

This week's music suggestion is Samm Neiland's My Crooked Smile. I especially like Superhuman and Crooked Smiles, but overall there is a lot of promise in his music. It is a little edgy, and not pretentious. There isn't much to go on with just four songs and certainly has room to grow, but let's hope there is more from this artist to enjoy in the future. It is really refreshing to be able to find genuine talent outside the force-fed commercial sources. Yay Internet.

Until Net Week:

If you find anything HOT, please share. Comment here, or send a Twitter D-or-@ message to YouAreTruth on twitter.

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