Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Dear Sci Fi Channel

Honestly, I don't really care anymore when anime gets edited or censored, so long as it's not excessive.  I can understand alot of stuff.  Really I can.  But your crap with Gurren Lagann is just ridiculous.  The cuts that have been done to the English dub showing on your channel are beyond the scope of stupid.  Now I could be saying this because the cuts hurt the flow of the episode, or because they have - on several occasions - removed important moments or dialogue.  But here's the bottom line:

You idiots are making cuts to fit in more commercial breaks.

No one can tell me otherwise.  I refuse to believe that there could be any other reason for the cuts to the dub.  The cuts certainly can't be done for violence or sexuality, because if you were actually concerned about that, you wouldn't be showing Gurren Lagann in the first place.  If you idiots are really so desperate to get extra time to advertise your own shows, why do you bother showing the opening?  Why not cut out the 2-3 minute recap that occurs at the beginning of nearly all the episodes?

I'm just glad the DVDs are already out.  Yay for unedited, subtitled-only DVDs.  In the end, I hope this isn't going to be the norm for your anime block, SciFi.  But then, judging from your promos for it, I'm getting the impression your idea of cutting-edge anime is stuff that was produced back in the 90s.  So I don't exactly have high hopes, but who knows.  All I know is that if you keep making unnecessary edits just to stick in another commercial for your crappy made-for-TV movies, then I'm not going to bother watching.